How to Fix an Air Conditioner Spitting Water

air conditionerIntroduction:

An air conditioner is a valuable appliance that helps maintain a comfortable indoor environment. However, if your air conditioner is spitting water, it can indicate a problem that needs to be addressed promptly. Water spitting from the air conditioner can not only cause damage to your property but may also indicate an underlying issue that could affect the unit’s performance. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the potential causes and step-by-step solutions for fixing an air conditioner spitting water. By understanding these aspects, you can confidently troubleshoot and resolve the issue, ensuring the proper functioning of your air conditioner.

air conditionerSeveral types of air conditioning:

There are several types of air conditioning systems commonly used worldwide. Here are some common types:

Central Air Conditioning:

Central air conditioning systems cool the entire building or a large area by distributing cool air through a network of ducts. These systems typically consist of a central unit, such as a compressor, located outside the building, and an indoor unit that cools the air and circulates it through the ducts.

Window Air Conditioner:

Window air conditioners are self-contained units designed to be mounted on a window or a hole in a wall. They cool a specific room or area by drawing in air, cooling it, and expelling the hot air outside.

Split Air Conditioner:

Split air conditioning systems have two units: an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. The indoor unit is typically installed on a wall or ceiling inside the room and contains the cooling coil and fan. The outdoor unit houses the compressor and condenser. Split ACs offer improved aesthetics, quieter operation, and the ability to cool multiple rooms or zones using multiple indoor units.

Portable Air Conditioner:

Portable air conditioners are mobile units that can be moved from one room to another. They work by extracting hot air from the room through a flexible exhaust hose that is vented out a window or opening. Portable ACs are suitable for cooling individual rooms or spaces without the need for permanent installation.

Ductless Mini-Split Air Conditioner:

Ductless mini-split systems are similar to split ACs but do not require ductwork. They consist of an outdoor unit and one or more indoor units that are mounted on walls or ceilings. Each indoor unit is controlled independently, allowing for personalized climate control in different areas or rooms.

Packaged Air Conditioner:

Packaged air conditioning systems contain all the components, including the compressor, condenser, and evaporator, in a single unit that is installed outside the building. These systems are commonly used in commercial buildings or spaces with limited interior space.

Hybrid Air Conditioner:

Hybrid or dual-fuel air conditioning systems combine an electric heat pump with a gas furnace. They provide both cooling and heating capabilities, using the more energy-efficient heat pump for cooling and the gas furnace for heating during colder months.

The choice of air conditioning system depends on factors such as the size of the space, number of rooms, energy efficiency requirements, installation limitations, and budget considerations. It’s important to consult with a professional or HVAC specialist to determine the most suitable type of air conditioning system for specific needs and requirements.

air conditionerSeveral potential hazards and impacts:

When an air conditioner is spitting water, it can have several potential hazards and impacts:

Property Damage:

Water dripping or spitting from an air conditioner can cause damage to the surrounding area, including floorings, furniture, and electronic devices. Prolonged exposure to water can lead to mold growth, staining, or structural damage if not addressed promptly.

Electrical Hazards:

If water comes into contact with electrical components within the air conditioning unit or the surrounding area, it can pose electrical hazards. This can lead to short circuits, electrical shocks, or even fires if not addressed properly.

Health Risks:

Water leakage from an air conditioner can increase the humidity levels indoors, creating a conducive environment for mold and mildew growth. Mold spores can trigger allergies, respiratory issues, or other health problems, especially for individuals with sensitivities or pre-existing respiratory conditions.

Decreased Cooling Efficiency:

Water leakage can impact the proper functioning of the air conditioner. It may affect the airflow, reduce cooling efficiency, and cause the system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. This can lead to increased energy consumption and higher utility bills.

System Malfunction:

If water accumulates within the air conditioning unit or leaks into critical components, it can result in system malfunctions or breakdowns. This can lead to costly repairs or the need for a complete replacement of the air conditioning system.

Understanding the Causes of Water Spitting from an Air Conditioner

Clogged Drain Line:

The most common cause of an air conditioner spitting water is a clogged or blocked condensate drain line.
A blocked drain line prevents the proper discharge of condensate, resulting in water backing up and spitting from the unit.

Frozen Evaporator Coil:

When the evaporator coil in the air conditioner becomes frozen, it can cause the condensate to build up and eventually overflow, resulting in water spitting.

Dirty Air Filter:

A dirty or clogged air filter restricts airflow, causing the evaporator coil to become colder than usual and potentially freeze up, leading to water spitting.

Step-by-Step Solutions to Fix an Air Conditioner Spitting Water

Turn off the Air Conditioner:

Switch off the air conditioner to prevent any further damage and ensure your safety while working on the unit.

Inspect and Clean the Air Filter:

Locate the air filter in the air conditioning unit and remove it for inspection.
If the air filter is dirty or clogged, clean or replace it as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Thaw the Evaporator Coil:

This may take a few hours or overnight, depending on the extent of the ice buildup.

Clear the Condensate Drain Line:

Locate the condensate drain line and check for any blockages or obstructions.
Use a wet/dry vacuum, compressed air, or a long, flexible brush to remove the blockage and clear the condensate drain line.

Check the Condensate Pan:

Inspect the condensate pan located beneath the evaporator coil for any cracks or damage.
Replace the condensate pan if necessary to prevent water leakage.

Maintenance and Prevention Tips for Avoiding Water Spitting

Regularly Clean and Maintain the Air Conditioner:

Keep the air conditioner clean and free from dust, debris, and mold to prevent clogging and buildup of condensate water.
Schedule regular maintenance and cleaning by a professional to ensure optimal performance.

Change or Clean the Air Filter:

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for changing or cleaning the air filter regularly.
A clean air filter ensures proper airflow and helps prevent freezing of the evaporator coil.

Install a Condensate Drain Line Cleaning Device:

Consider installing a condensate drain line cleaning device or pan overflow alarm to help prevent clogs and water spitting.
These devices can automatically clear the drain line or alert you to potential issues.


Fixing an air conditioner that is spitting water requires prompt attention and proper troubleshooting. By understanding the causes and following the step-by-step solutions outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can confidently address the issue and ensure the proper functioning of your air conditioner. Whether it’s clearing a clogged drain line, thawing a frozen evaporator coil, or performing regular maintenance, taking the necessary steps will help prevent water spitting and maintain the efficiency of your air conditioner. Let this guide serve as a valuable resource in diagnosing and resolving issues with an air conditioner spitting water, ensuring a comfortable and functional cooling system in your space.


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